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Illumina Caivano
Around 40/45 minutes.
The entrance is every 30 minutes, accompanied by hostesses who will give you information about the objects on display and the parts of the stadium visited.
No, you can only access up to a certain point indicated by the staff on the syntetic turf, surrounded by the tendiflexes in front of the benches.
To be checked with the organizer.
At the ticket office located in Viale delle Olimpiadi. In the coming weeks, the sale of match tickets will also be arranged in the Store used for the Tour.
From 10am to 6pm, with the last Tour starting at 5.30pm.
Yes, at the end of the path there are toilets available.
At the Carrabile Monte Mario, in Viale dei Gladiatori. On the left hand side of the ticket office, the entrance of the Tour is the last gate under the writing “Stadio Olimpico Tour”.
Being a guided tour and given to the regulations put in place, until April 30th, the Tour can only be accessed with the Green Pass, meaning proof of two vaccine doses.
There are currently no discounts for families.
In the stadium visitors can only enter with a ticket and being accompanied by the guide.
There is a bistro at the end of the Tour.
Of course, parking is free.
No, this is the ticket office set up for the stadium Tour only.
On match days, the stadium is entirely dedicated to the production of the event; therefore, the tour route is unusable.
The Tour is equally accessible in the following areas: Entrance, Tunnel of Legends, Mixed Zone, Changing Rooms, Pitch and Bar.
No, children under the age of six enter for free, but they still need to have a coupon that can be picked up at the ticket office before entering the Stadium.